Professionally color grade your videos



Professionally color grade your videos


I’ve been an editor & animator for a little over 10 years now. I absolutely love what I do & the natural flexibility to work remotely with different people every day.


Since the start of my career, I’ve been asked to work on everything from big budget commercials, music videos with 100m+ views, short films, feature length narrative films, and everything in between.


I love getting to be the final step in story development & creation of visual content. As much as I enjoy the process, my favorite part is getting to see the impact of the work I get to play a part in.

At the end of the day, the most important thing is that you’re happy with the product & enjoyed working with me. There are so many things I’m willing to do to make this process fluid & easy for you, but without knowing what those things are, I can’t deliver on that. Open and consistent communication is super important & ultimately what will allow me to serve you & your project(s) as best as I can.

If you have ANY questions, please feel free to reach out. Even if it’s before you place an order, I’d love to chat & talk through your concerns/expectations & help however I can.


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